Wednesday, March 21, 2012

CSV to Chart Utility

In my last project we had a requirement where we need to build the good report from the csv data. One way to do that is to use excel and create chart from excel. 
But to combine all chart in single report(If there are multiple charts), do data processing if any (We can use micro if person is good in excel) is tedious job.  I am attaching the mevenize project with some screenshot which will help you to understand the Utility.

This tool is helpful to create good charts/reports from CSV. You can pass the set of CSV, tool will do the data processing(data conversion)
if defined and create a pdf/xls/doc based charts on user choice. Tool will create a chart and tabular report as configuration and 
render that in a page. For all valid CSV’s, it will create a chart report in a new page.

Underneath it is using Dynamic Reporting for charting/reporting and Spring DI for report configuration. All report configuration specified below can be configured using XML file. 
1.       Name of PDF (refer attachment Report Config.png)
2.       Report header (refer attachment ReportConfig.png)
3.       Report footer
4.       Chart name (refer attachment Component-Config.png)
5.       Chart X and Y axis (refer attachment Component-Config.png)
6.       Chart Label (refer attachment Component-Config.png)
7.       Chart Type (refer attachment Component-Config.png) - Currently It support Bar, Line,XYLine chart.
8.       Blank page (refer attachment BlankPageConfig.png)
9.       Data Processor – Data processor is used to convert Raw data into some specified format which should be shown on report like change milliseconds to second, hours to min, Byte to MegaByte, etc (refer attachment DataProcessor.png)

Some configuration for Report Component
Report Configuration
       <bean id="performanceReport" class="com.sapient.dynamicreports.configuration.Report">
              <property name="name" value="PerformanceReports" /> - output report file name
              <property name="displayName" value=" Performance Test Report  " /> - output report header
              <property name="outputType" value="PDF" /> - output report type
              <property name="outputPath" value="c:\\output" /> - output path
              <property name="components">
              List of components ---
                           <!-- <ref bean="blankPage" /> -->
                           <ref bean="cpuUtilization1" />
                           <ref bean="memoryUtilization1" />
                           <ref bean="threadUtilization1" />

                           <ref bean="cpuUtilization2" />
                           <ref bean="memoryUtilization2" />
                           <ref bean="threadUtilization2" />

                           <ref bean="cpuUtilization3" />
                           <ref bean="memoryUtilization3" />
                           <ref bean="threadUtilization3" />

                           <ref bean="responseTimePerTransaction" />


 Component Configuration

       <bean id="activeThreadOverTime" class="com.sapient.dynamicreports.configuration.Component">
              <property name="name" value="ActiveThreadOverTime" />
-    Name of the component
              <property name="displayName" value="Active Users Over Time" />
-    Display name , which will come in the output report
              <property name="dataSource" value="CSV" />
-    Data source type – in our case it will be CSV
              <property name="dataSourcePath"
                     value="c:\\csvfileset\\input\\ActiveThreadsOverTime.csv" />
-    Data source – CSV file name
              <property name="dataSourceFileName" value="ActiveThreadsOverTime.csv" />
              <property name="chartConfiguration" ref="atotChartConfiguration" />
-    Define the chart Configuration
              <property name="pageType" value="A4" />
-    Page type of chart
              <property name="pageOrientation" value="PORTRAIT" />
-    Page orientation of chart
              <property name="dataProcessor" ref="customDataProcessor" />
-    Data processor if any
              <property name="tableType" value="NO" />
-    Table type could be NO, AGGREGATED, SIMPLE


Some of the screenshot (ReportPage1.png, ReportPage2.png) will give an idea how the report will look like. also fine high level class diagram for code in Image1 and Image2.  You can download code from here

Monday, March 12, 2012

JQuant - Library for Financial/Mathematical Projects.

While Surfing over the internet comes accross the utility called JQuant,
 Another thought strikes in my mind is 'lets share it with everone using Blog'.
Its a very useful utility for Finanacial Project and Supports with lots of mathematical function. Basically JQuant is derived from the QuantLib  which is written in C++.

JQuantLib provides a free, open-source and comprehensive framework for quantitative finance. 
It's a 100% Java translation of QuantLib, which is written in C++. JQuantLib provides pricing valuation of a wide range of asset classes,
methods and models.

The Basic feature which JQuant supports is 


  •  Support to a wide range of financial instruments, including but not limited to European Options, American Options, Bermudan Options, Asian Options, Bonds, Swaps, FRA, Repo, Cap/Floors, etc
  •  Several pricing engines: Black-Scholes, Barone-Adesi-Whaley, Bjerksund-Stensland, Ju Quadratic, Integral, Binomial Cox-Ross-Rubinstein, Binomial Jarrow-Rudd, Additive EquiProbabilities, Binomial Trigeorgis, Binomial Tian, Binomial Leisen-Reimer, Binomial Joshi, Finite Differences
  • Implemented as Java Library with minimum external dependencies
  • Coded with performance in mind. GC imposes minimalist performance penalty.

Capability of QuantLib
The Wiki Page gives the complete descrition of QuantLib and what all can bedone with the supported library.

I will keep you posted on other tool/utility which can help us in our day to day projects.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Application Monitoring

For few days i was looking to develop something which can monitor tomcat and tomcat activities.Monitor the tomcat application at client side is something can help us. Using Jconsole/jvisualvm using JMX/Mbean is one way to monitor the application but that has limited feature with limited UI. Something which is rich in UI and easy to use can really helpful.

I have checked and found few thing 

This link tell us different way to monitor the web application. What i like here is  Psi-probe.

Its simple to use to start with. Just put the probe.war in tomcat directory and configured the tomcat user in tomcat-users.xml and you are ready to go. 

Unlike many other server monitoring tools, PSI Probe does not require any changes to your existing apps. It provides all of its features through a web-accessible interface that becomes available simply by deploying it to your server. These features include:
  • Requests: Monitor traffic in real-time, even on a per-application basis.
  • Sessions: Browse/search attributes, view last IP, expire, estimate size.
  • JSP: Browse, view source, compile.
  • Data Sources: View pool usage, execute queries.
  • Logs: View contents, download, change levels at runtime.
  • Threads: View execution stack, kill.
  • Connectors: Status, usage charts.
  • Cluster: Status, usage charts.
  • JVM: Memory usage charts, advise GC
  • Java Service Wrapper: Restart JVM.
  • System: CPU usage, memory usage, swap file usage. 

 I will keep posted to other application which can help in monitor.